Integrity Bernedoodles Sold Litters
Integrity Bernedoodles past litters.
Meet Mindi & Mozzy's sweet family of one boy and one girl. :) They were born September 26th and will be ready for new homes November 21st. Please contact us to reserve a puppy or to schedule a visit...these adorable pupppies would love to be a part of your family this holiday season.
Oakley & Zeo
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 09/16/24
Price: $3,200.00
call for pricing
Oakley's sweet puppies have arrived! There are 6 boys and 2 girls and will be ready for new homes November 11. Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a visit to meet these adorable puppies.
Alexia's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 05/05/24
Price: Call for pricing
call for pricing
We're excited to announce that Alexia's puppies have arrived! There are 7 boys and 7 girls and she is being a great mother to her large family. These sweet puppies will be ready for new homes July 1st. Please contact us , or fill out the puppy application form ( under adoption process) to get on the waiting list for this litter.
Lexi's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 03/12/24
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Lexi & Zeo's new litter! The 9 Adorable puppies arrived on March 12 and will be ready for new homes May 7. There are 3 girls and 6 boys. Please contact us if you have any questions or if you want to reserve one of these sweet puppies.
Oakley and Tuckers adorable puppies have arrived!:) The 7 cuddly puppies ( 4 boys and 3 girls) were born on September 27 and will be ready for new homes November 22. Please contact us if you would like to add a puppy to your family, or if you have any questions. Both parents have been health tested and are clear of all tested health issues. Our goal is to provide healthy, happy, puppies!
Kasia and Tucker's puppies have arrived!:)The 2 (1 boy and 1 girl) sweet little puppies were born September 19 and will be ready for new homes November 14. Please contact us If you are interested in a puppy or if you have any questions. Both parents have been health tested and are cleared, our goal is to provide healthy, happy, puppies.
Meet Lexi and Tucker's adorable puppies!:) They arrived September 12 and will be ready for new homes November 7. There are 9 sweet little ones, 7 boys and just 2 girls. Please contact us if you are interested in this litter, or if you have any questions. The parents have been health tested and are clear of all tested health issues, our goal is to provide healthy, happy, puppies!
Mindi and Tucker's puppies have arrived!:) The 6 (4 boys and 2 girls) sweet little puppies were born September 4 and will be ready for new homes October 30. Please contact us if you are interested in this litter, or if you have any questions. The parents have been health tested and are clear of all tested health issues , we try our best to provide healthy, happy, puppies!
Shaina & Ruger
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 04/15/23
Price: Call for pricing
Shaina and Ruger's sweet puppies have arrived! Unfortunately Shaina passed away from an infection when the puppies were a few days old. She was a super sweet dog and we really miss her but we are thankful for her 4 adorable puppies! There are 2 girls and 2 boys and they will be ready for new homes June 10. Please contact us if you want to schedule a visit, reserve a puppy, or if you have any questions.
Mindi and Ruger
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 02/08/23
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Mindi's Beautiful puppies! They arrived February 8 and will be ready for new homes April 5. There are 6 girls and 3 boys, 4 blue merle and the rest are the traditional tri-color. If you are interested in this litter please contact us with any questions.
Meet Kasia's adorable puppies! They arrived January 27 and will be ready for new homes March 24. There are 5 boys and 1 girl. If you would like to learn more about Kasia's sweet puppies please contact us. We are now taking deposits for this litter!
Lexi's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 10/25/22
Price: Call for pricing
Lexi's puppies have arrived! This is our first litter sired by Ruger and though we knew he might throw some blue merles we were quite surprised and excited to find so many! There are 2 regular tricolors and 6 blue merle tricolors, all very well featured with near perfect markings. They were born October 25th and will be ready to go to their new homes December 20th, just in time for an extra special Christmas surprise! For more info and to discuss purchasing a puppy please contact us!
Shaina's sweet lil' puppies have arrived! There are 3 girls and one boy. They will be ready for new homes September 13. Please contact us if you are interested in giving one of these adorable puppies a new home.
Kasia's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 05/08/22
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Kasia's adorable puppies!:) They were born May 8 and will be ready for new homes July 4. There are 5 sweet puppies in this litter, 3 girls and 2 boys. I will be taking individual puppy pics in a couple weeks. If you are interested in giving one of these puppies a new home please contact us to get on the wait list.
Lexi's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 04/26/22
Price: Call for pricing
Our new litter has arrived!:) Lexi's adorable puppies were born April 26 and will be ready for new homes June 21. Please contact us if you are interested in giving one of these sweet puppies a new home....The puppies are now 4 weeks old and we will begin taking deposits.
Shaina's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 02/03/22
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Shaina's adorable puppies!There are 5 boys and 4 girls and they are all doing very well! They are now 5 weeks old, if you are interested in scheduling a visit to meet them please let me know!:) They were born February 3rd and will be ready for new homes March 31.
Mindi's litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 01/07/22
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Mindi's adorable puppies! There are 5 girls and 2 boys and they are all doing very well. They were born on January 7 and will be ready for new homes March 4.
Kenzi's Litter
Breed: Bernedoodles
Availability: Sold Out
Litter Born: 01/01/22
Price: Call for pricing
Meet Kenzi's adorable puppies! There are 4 girls and just 1 boy, they are all doing very well and growing so fast! They were born on New years day and will be ready for new homes February 26.